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freeslotsvideopokerdeuceswild| Performance disclosure is coming to an end! This direction is the first to improve!

Since last week, resource stocks have been differentiated and weakened to a certain extent. In fact, the two-day adjustment of the entire resource stock basically covered last week's gains. The more the best part, the more you have to be rational.Freeslotsvideopokerdeuceswild! In "attention, Timeline" last Tuesday, we talked about judging the rhythm and direction of the market, and put forward two views: one is that there will be few opportunities in the market in the coming week, and the other is the direction of low absorption of technology at the end of the month. Now I still maintain this view, because now it is time for us to start to absorb the direction of technology. Why do I judge like this?

On the one hand, the performance disclosure is coming to an end, and it takes some time for institutional adjustments to change shares, so they tend to start a week or two in advance. On the other hand, the position of the Shanghai Composite Index is not different now, but the position of Science and Technology Innovation Board / gem is relatively good. If the broad market improves, the first choice is the direction of science and technology. Finally, UBS is bullish on China recently, Hong Kong stocks have also risen, and the risks in the market have begun to improve. This year I am optimistic about the Chinese prefix + AI, both seesaw, I think the subsequent market style will start to tilt towards technology stocks, the market is expected to return to the upward trend. Get ready and wait for the market to pick up!

freeslotsvideopokerdeuceswild| Performance disclosure is coming to an end! This direction is the first to improve!

Key words: market changes, rhythm and direction judgment, performance disclosure bullish and bearish (bullish) it is time for us to start sucking low on the direction of technology. One is that the performance disclosure is coming to an end, and it will take some time for the institutional adjustment to change shares, so it often starts a week or two in advance. On the other hand, the position of the Shanghai Composite Index is still constant, but the position of Science and Technology Innovation Board / gem is relatively good. If the broad market improves, the first choice is the direction of science and technology. Finally, UBS is bullish on China recently, Hong Kong stocks have also risen, and the risks in the market have begun to improve. This year I am optimistic about the Chinese prefix + AI, both seesaw, I think the follow-up market style will begin to tilt towards technology stocks, the market is also expected to return to the upward trend; get ready and wait for the market to pick up! Get ready, get ready! Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.




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